RESPONSIBLE TO: Group Chief Executive Officer
OVERALL PURPOSE: To strategically lead and direct provision of high-quality customer and community services and develop the housing division into an effective and efficient business unit.
Functional responsibilities
Leadership responsibilities
Corporate responsibilities
- Develop a vision and Business Plan for the housing division, making provisions for issues such as high-quality customer and neighbourhood services, asset management, customer voice and income collection.
- Convert the Business Plan into a deliverable work plan, identifying and monitoring divisional and personal objectives as necessary.
- Develop a budget for the housing division, delegating responsibility to business managers and making appropriate arrangements for monitoring out-turns and taking corrective action as necessary.
- Develop strategies to provide the highest level of customer and community services to a diverse range of customers, providing opportunities for them to be involved in shaping services.
- Develop a continuous improvement plan aimed at achieving upper quartile performance in all key performance indicators.
- Improve the viability of the housing division by applying appropriate strategies on procurement, value for money and efficiency, within the overall framework set by the Group.
- Develop an effective customer services centre, providing for effective access to services by customers and suitable arrangements for customer profiling.
- Develop and deliver an effective asset management strategy, setting appropriate quality standards for the Group that as a minimum meets decent homes standards and achieves compliance with other statutory and regulatory requirements.
- Develop a vision and strategy for maintenance and property services from both a client and internal contractor perspectives, ensuring such services are provided on a customer-focused and cost-effective basis.
- Develop and implement a strategy for the In-House Maintenance and landscaping services in the Group to deliver high quality services, value for money and viability.
- Provide effective supported and sheltered housing solutions to meet the needs of specific groups society, including older people with specialist needs and vulnerable individuals such as homeless persons.
- Effectively manage the physical assets within the housing division, including office and scheme-based locations, ensuring health and safety obligations are met.
- Participate in and lead where appropriate external inter-agency forums on a whole range of issues such local area agreements, choice-based lettings, and crime and disorder to improve community sustainability.
- Contribute to and lead where appropriate on housing policy issues at national, regional and local level levels both individually and through representative bodies.
- Promote the values, mission and objectives of the housing division and the Group with stakeholders to enhance the organisation’s reputation as partner, service provider and employer of choice.
- Lead and motivate employees, consulting them as necessary, and investing in their learning and development to achieve high quality performance.
- Develop and implement organisational structures within the housing division, deploying human, physical and financial resources effectively and empowering employees to deliver high quality outcomes.
- Develop and apply robust control systems, within a strong performance environment, to achieve high quality performance and manage risks effectively.
- Ensure the housing division contributes effectively to the development of local, regional and sub-regional housing and integrated strategies in the areas in which it operates.
- Develop strategies jointly with the Executive Director (Care and Support) for the provision of integrated and coordinated services for all customers covered by the Group.
- Be accountable to the Board on all matters relating to the housing division by presenting relevant information and reports.
- Act as the consumer champion for the Group to ensure compliance with all aspects of consumer regulatory standards, developing action plans to strengthen compliance where necessary.
- Participate in Group-wide initiatives and forums, taking a lead on specific policies and projects to achieve consistency and high-quality outcomes across the Group.
- Negotiate and monitor appropriate standards for services provided for and by internal customers as well as external bodies.
- To carry out other duties and responsibilities as directed by the Group Chief Executive Officer.